Just finished your book and LOVED it. Found it on goodreads. I hope that you write another one! I've been highly recommending it to my friends, especially, but not limited to the ones who enjoy yoga. For me, your book personifies that moment that so many of us have had (or maybe its just me...) in yoga class where the teacher says "downward dog" and you find yourself giggling uncontrollably - and you realize that you are the only one laughing... Very fun and insightful! Made me feel less embarrassed about not taking yoga 'so seriously' and inspired me to take up the practice again, realizing that its MY journey, and I can keep it lighthearted if I want to :)
Thank you so much, Dani. And thank you for recommending my book to your friends! Word of mouth is everything in this game.
As for giggling uncontrollably in class-- I still find myself doing that ALL the time. It would be easier to stay serious if I didn't have the sense of humor of an 8-year old boy . . !
I was browsing in a book store "Chapters" when I spotted "Yoga Bitch". The title really caught my attention. I've been practicing yoga on and off by myself without going to a single class for about x number of years, and I had to ditch a fifteen year relationship with a bitch. So I was in the mood to read such material.
So without knowing anything about you and the book, I started reading it in the store and decided to buy it because I couldn't put it back on the shelf. I just loved it. I decided then that it was time for me to join a yoga class once and for all. It's the best move I've ever done. It is changing a lot of things in my life and for the best. Thank you so much for that book. I am passing your book around.
The nice things about your book is that you do not have to be in the yoga spirit to enjoy it. It does apply to all kinds of discipline. I enjoy reading you and I am really happy that I just found out about your blog. I feel that I now have a new friend.
I hope you have a lot of success with your book. Please forgive my English because I am a French Canadian.
Merci, Nicole! J'adore cette librairie. En faite, j'ai achete mon journal de Bali a Chapters a Montreal! Trois mois avant de partir a Bali, j'ai rendu visite a mon amie qui habitait a Montreal, et nous avons passe l'apres-midi la. (J'ai aussi achete les contes d'Anais Nin-- mai ca, c'est une autre histoire!)
Tu m'as donne un cadeau avec ton message. Je suis si heureuse que mon livre t'a plait. Je l'ecrissais pour les lectrices comme toi.
Et s'il te plait, pardonnes-moi mon francais! J'ai oublie beaucoup.
Wow, wow, wow, en français SVP! Je suis très impressionnée! Et oui, maintenant ça me revient; ton séjour à Montréal et les contes d'Anais Nin. Je veux relire ton livre à nouveau afin de le savourer pleinement, car je l'ai lu beaucoup trop vite.
Je vais relire ton livre à nouveau car je suis certaine que tu parles d'une visite chez une amie qui habite au Canada! En fait, ce n'est pas grave.
J'habite à Fredericton, capitale du Nouveau-Brunswick. J'adore aller à Québec, surtout dans le vieux Québec et j'aime bien l'atmosphère du centre ville de Montréal. Tu as raison, c'est très beau. Merci Suzanne de me répondre, tu es très gentille.
Just finished your book and LOVED it. Found it on goodreads. I hope that you write another one! I've been highly recommending it to my friends, especially, but not limited to the ones who enjoy yoga. For me, your book personifies that moment that so many of us have had (or maybe its just me...) in yoga class where the teacher says "downward dog" and you find yourself giggling uncontrollably - and you realize that you are the only one laughing... Very fun and insightful! Made me feel less embarrassed about not taking yoga 'so seriously' and inspired me to take up the practice again, realizing that its MY journey, and I can keep it lighthearted if I want to :)
Thank you so much, Dani. And thank you for recommending my book to your friends! Word of mouth is everything in this game.
As for giggling uncontrollably in class-- I still find myself doing that ALL the time. It would be easier to stay serious if I didn't have the sense of humor of an 8-year old boy . . !
I was browsing in a book store "Chapters" when I spotted "Yoga Bitch". The title really caught my attention. I've been practicing yoga on and off by myself without going to a single class for about x number of years, and I had to ditch a fifteen year relationship with a bitch. So I was in the mood to read such material.
So without knowing anything about you and the book, I started reading it in the store and decided to buy it because I couldn't put it back on the shelf. I just loved it. I decided then that it was time for me to join a yoga class once and for all. It's the best move I've ever done. It is changing a lot of things in my life and for the best. Thank you so much for that book. I am passing your book around.
The nice things about your book is that you do not have to be in the yoga spirit to enjoy it. It does apply to all kinds of discipline. I enjoy reading you and I am really happy that I just found out about your blog. I feel that I now have a new friend.
I hope you have a lot of success with your book. Please forgive my English because I am a French Canadian.
Merci, Nicole! J'adore cette librairie. En faite, j'ai achete mon journal de Bali a Chapters a Montreal! Trois mois avant de partir a Bali, j'ai rendu visite a mon amie qui habitait a Montreal, et nous avons passe l'apres-midi la. (J'ai aussi achete les contes d'Anais Nin-- mai ca, c'est une autre histoire!)
Tu m'as donne un cadeau avec ton message. Je suis si heureuse que mon livre t'a plait. Je l'ecrissais pour les lectrices comme toi.
Et s'il te plait, pardonnes-moi mon francais! J'ai oublie beaucoup.
Wow, wow, wow, en français SVP! Je suis très impressionnée! Et oui, maintenant ça me revient; ton séjour à Montréal et les contes d'Anais Nin. Je veux relire ton livre à nouveau afin de le savourer pleinement, car je l'ai lu beaucoup trop vite.
Je n'ai pas parle de ma visite a Montreal dans le livre, mais je l'ai decris dans le blog itsallyogababy.com -- peut-etre tu l'as deja lu? ici:
Merci, Nicole! T'habites a Montreal? J'aime cette ville! Le centre-ville est si beau.
Je vais relire ton livre à nouveau car je suis certaine que tu parles d'une visite chez une amie qui habite au Canada! En fait, ce n'est pas grave.
J'habite à Fredericton, capitale du Nouveau-Brunswick. J'adore aller à Québec, surtout dans le vieux Québec et j'aime bien l'atmosphère du centre ville de Montréal. Tu as raison, c'est très beau. Merci Suzanne de me répondre, tu es très gentille.
C'est possible que tu as raison car je n'ai lu que la premiere chapitre depuis plusieurs mois! ;)
Mon amie habitait dans Vieux Montreal, tres pre de l'Opera. Si beau!
Merci, Nicole!
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