Monday, August 8, 2011

Me & My Monkey Mind

An article I wrote is up on elephant journal, right here. Narcissism meets a bout of altruism for a surprising discovery on the mat!

I once had a yoga teacher in New York tell me and the rest of her class that we had a little watcher inside our minds, witnessing our every thought. Like a little stalker. We were listening to the Police as she spoke, and she ended her sermon by saying, “Your witness is always there, always somewhere nearby. So that every move you make, every breath you take, you’ll be watching you.”


Meredith LeBlanc said...

Love the idea of the idea of the little watcher and the Police soundtrack for it. So So true...

Suzanne Morrison said...

Thanks, Meredith!

YogaforCynics said...

I've got all kindsa people in my mind, but I don't think any of them are Sting...

Suzanne Morrison said...

Woof, me too . . . thanks for stopping by, YfC! Love your blog!